Hello world!

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Today is an exciting day. After six tests (Mollie likes to be thorough), it's official Ralph/Ralphine is here. I will never forget when Mollie told me. I think I was so shocked I didn't say anything. She thought I wasn't excited enough, but I can't remember being any happier over two simple words, "we're pregnant".

I'm a little nervous to tell anyone until he/she gets bigger. I am excited, but think I will get more and more nervous as we get farther along. Next step is to schedule a doctors visit as we aren't sure how far along we are.

singletest.gif dualtest.gif

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Count down until baby Jones is born:

2009-6-13 12:00:00 GMT+00:00



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This page contains a single entry by Jason Jones published on October 3, 2008 11:48 AM.

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