Our first Ultrasound!

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Today we went for the baby's first ultrasound to figure out how far along we are. We were very nervous and excited for this appointment. They didn't have any trouble finding him, and dated him at 6 weeks, 4 days. This gives us an estimated due date of 6/13/09. As you can see, he isn't much to look at yet, but we already know we love him. (I'm convinced it's a boy).

Our next ultrasound won't be until he's 20 weeks, which puts us at the end of January. At that time, the baby's sex will be determined and we'll see if my "mother's intuition" is right!

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yeah....lets see if we can try to get a better picture next time! looks a LOT like a McDermott if you ask me!


yes...he has your wavy black lines!!!!!

Yes, he has your wavy black lines.......AND your AGE SPOTS TOO!!!!!

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This page contains a single entry by Mollie Jones published on October 22, 2008 5:56 PM.

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