It's a boy!!!

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Today was the twenty week exam and ultrasound. We also found out we are having a boy, very exciting stuff. Mollie has been convinced all along it was a boy, so it appears she already has a strong mother's intuitition, which may or may not be good for baby jones. Below are some pictures of the ultrasound along with a video of the ultrasound so you can see him moving around.








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So cool, its like, an actual human!!!! yay!!

Congrats on baby boy Jones!!! His first pictures are beautiful. Can't wait to meet him!! Kim

How do I get to the video? I saw the profile clearly but the face - that was a little difficult (big head and all)

OH my god he's so cute!!!!! I love the video!!! I can't wait to meet him in real life this summer!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations!! It's a boy, huh? I think Phat would be a good name!!

Congratulations!!!! That last video is so cool to see him moving. NOW you can start shopping and planning. YEA!!!!

Congratulations!! I cant wait to start finding some fun things for the little guy!

Congrats!! Excellent, I think he looks like me!!!!

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This page contains a single entry by Jason Jones published on January 20, 2009 6:08 PM.

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