February 2009 Archives

Jason's 1st Marathon/Baby Furniture

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Today was Jason's first marathon. He's been training for several months and has worked so hard for today's event. He finished in 3hrs, 25 mins, 11 seconds. He placed 300 overall, out of 4025, and unless I'm doing some really bad math, he finished in the top 8%. Here's a pic of him pre-race, at about 6:30am.



I then parked myself at about the 8 mile marker, and was really hoping to get a good shot of him. He came in a big pack, and I didn't even spot him. He made his way to the side, and this was the shot I got.


I then made my way to about the 25 mile marker. I figured there would have been a ton of people and again thought I wouldn't get a good pic. He was pretty worn out this point (I can't even imagine what he must have been feeling like), and was in a zone so he didn't hear me screaming his name. (Nice legs!!)


Right after he turned this corner, there was a miserable incline. If it was me, I probably would have cried. I made my way through the rest of the race and somehow found him right at the end. Here's our happy marathon finisher:


Everyone told him that right after he finished he'd want to sign up for his next one. As of right now, he says he never wants to run another marathon again. He's pretty sore, and very happy it's over.  

Baby update: This little boy must be taking after his daddy (I hope), because he's been very active. I can feel him bopping all around, especially in the middle of the night. Jason hasn't been able to feel him yet, but hopefully soon. Another update -  we have nursery furniture! Thanks to Gramma Sue and Grampa Bob, our little guy now has a crib and two dressers! We got the 2 dressers shipped to us this week, and are expecting the crib sometime this week.  We still have to paint over the awful purple in the office before we put the furniture together, but it's so exciting to see things coming together!! Yesterday marked 23 weeks, so we've got roughly 17 weeks until we meet our son!!   


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