March 2009 Archives

More of Baby's room

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We're almost done with the baby's room. We got the second dresser put together, the blinds put up, and the glider moved in. We just have some little decorations to put up, and then we're just waiting on our little man! 11 weeks from today is his eviction date. It's hard to believe how fast this has gone!

Can't wait to see everyone (well, almost everyone) next week when we're in town!




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Baby's room!

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Over the past week, we've gotten pretty far on baby's room. We had a lot of fun painting (at least I did), and putting furniture together. I'm so happy my idea worked! We're still waiting on our other dresser and blinds to be shipped, and the room will be close to complete! A little less then 14 weeks to go before we meet our little man! It's hard to believe how time flies. I've been feeling pretty good lately, although the insomnia is creeping back. Other then that I really don't have any complaints! Here are some pictures of baby's room. start.jpg







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